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Compare 2025 Car Insurance Quotes Online

Comparing car insurance quotes is the only way to ensure you are getting your best deal. Learn what factors affect what you'll pay for car insurance, compare prices from multiple companies, and save money.

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How to compare car insurance rates

Getting a car insurance quote has become a more straightforward process after the growth of online quote tools. But before quote shopping, you'll have to do some legwork to ensure you're making appropriate car insurance price comparisons. Make sure you take the following three steps before comparing auto insurance companies.

1. Collect relevant personal information before comparing rates

Online car insurance quote tools and insurance agents can provide you with an estimate of your rates, but the estimate will only be as accurate as the information you provide. Make sure you have the following information about you and your vehicle before seeking out a quote.

To obtain an accurate car insurance quote you need the following information:

Your information:

  • full name
  • age
  • address
  • current insurer (and your policy's declaration page)
  • license number
  • equivalent information of any other drivers on the policy

Your vehicle:

  • model (including year and make)
  • vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • date of purchase
  • mileage

Your driving history:

  • ticket and accident history
  • any license suspensions

2. Decide on fixed coverage levels before comparison shopping

Perhaps the most important factor affecting the price of your car insurance policy is how much coverage you choose to buy. Car insurance policies can include the following types of coverages, and when comparison shopping you should make sure you select the same coverage limits for each. In the cases of collision and comprehensive insurance—which don't have limits—you should ensure you select the same deductibles.

Types of coverage:

  • Liability coverage (for both bodily injury and property damage)
  • Collision and comprehensive insurance
  • Personal injury protection (PIP)
  • Uninsured/underinsured driver coverage

When you compare vehicle insurance across multiple insurers, the most important thing is that you keep these coverages and their limits consistent with each insurer. Then you can compare auto insurance quotes side by side knowing that your coverage will be equivalent.

3. Collect and compare quotes

Once you have all your personal information and have decided on appropriate coverage limits, it's time to shop. If you're looking to compare cheap car insurance, you can use our insurance comparison tool.

Find Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes in Your Area

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Or you can go to multiple insurer websites, use their quote tools and compare quotes from different companies.